Thursday 9 May 2013

one in four?

Early, morning visit to Broomhill Flash revealed no sign of yesterday's sick looking Whooper. Hopefully it went north and not straight south! A slight deterioration in my health today too, following three 'very good days' but nothing too bad. Anyway, a work colleague was able to diagnose the likely cause, apparently a pandemic that has swept through Thailand and she even managed to cheer me up by telling me the survival rate was more than 75%. Thanks! Back to birds, and with limited time tonight I made the decision to visit Wombwell Ings which, two Dunlin and a few Avocets apart, was pretty much devoid on anything noteworthy. Old Moor fared somewhat better though with two pair of Med' Gulls (adult, 3 second-summers, 7 legs!) both of which were nest building. A count of 20 Avocets was more expected considering there are at least eight sitting birds. Both Peregrine and Hobby were reported today and a text tonight from the Barnsley Blade to say there was a Grey Plover on Wader Scrape.

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