Friday 3 May 2013

Uplands & Low Moor.

Whitley Edge - 1 Whimbrel and 6 Stock Doves.
Broadstones Reservoir - 3 drake Mallards and a pair of Tufted Ducks.
Maythorn Slack - two pairs of Curlew.
Ingbirchworth Reservoir - 1 Great Crested Grebe, 2 Oystercatchers, 100+ Barn Swallows and 2 Wheatears. Mallard, Moorhen and Coot numbers very much as prevoius postings.
Low Moor, Upper Midhope - at least eight pairs of Lapwing, 3 Snipe chippering, 2 Wheatears, 15+ Meadow Pipits and two pairs of Pied Wagtail. 

The two Wheatears at Ingbirchworth Reservoir today.

Looking up the meaning of the word 'Wheatear', I found it referred to neither 'Wheat' or 'Ear'. It is in fact a corruption of the Anglo-Saxon words of 'Wheat' meaning White and 'Aers' meaning Arse; so 'White-arse'. Another good old Anglo-Saxon word, matching others still in use today!!

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