Wednesday 1 May 2013

Wintersett 01.05.13

Sunny all morning. Cooler breeze late morning.  Clouded over late afternoon.  First time I haven't needed wellies for more than a year!
Highlight today was an unprecedented number of Redpoll in the area for this late date. 15 on the west bank of Wintersett Res and a flock of  C100 in Haw Park Wood.
Anglers CP:  Wheatear 1 in fields and  Common Tern 1
Wintersett Res: Goldeneye 3  + 1 ACP,   Yellow Wagtail 1,   Grasshopper Warbler 1 male and Gadwall 4 +  14 CHRes..
Butterfly:  The first  BRIMSTONE of the year was seen in the car park.

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