Monday 6 May 2013

Wintersett 06.05.13

Warm sunshine all day brought out hordes of people but not many birds.
Wintersett Res: Water Rail 1,  Common Tern 1,  Greylag Goose 2,  Grasshopper Warbler 1,  Lesser Redpoll 3 and Yellow Wagtail 1 + 1 ACP Pol.  In the wider area - Lesser Whitethroat  4 singing males + 1 alarming. 
Moorhouse Lane Ponds: Common Sandpiper 1 and Mallard with 5 small ducklings.
Anglers CP:   A Rook in the fields had 2 grey secondaries in each wing.  Goldeneye 1 female,  Oystercatcher 2 pairs + 3 flew in from WRes and then left north.  The drake LESSER  SCAUP  is still attracting visitors.
Thanks to Mark Hartley for sharing these photos from Friday 3rd May

Drake Lesser  Scaup                                    M Hartley

Drake Lesser  Scaup                               M Hartley

Drake  Lesser  Scaup                                    M Hartley

Female  Common  Scoters                          M Hartley

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