Friday 10 May 2013

Wintersett 10.05.13

12 degrees, bright and breezy with light showers in the afternoon.
Wintersett Res:  Sand Martin 10,  Swallow  100 + 100 ACP,  Swift  100 + 250 ACP.   Shelduck 3 W at 08.10hrs. Mute Swan 10 + 4 ACP +  2 CHRes.  Yellow Wagtail 1 over + 2 Pol (male and female).  Common Tern 2, 
Walton Hall: Barnacle Goose 1 and   Pink-footed Goose 1.  Mallard with a brood of  7 very small young on the canal.
Anglers CP:  Goldeneye 1 female.  Dunlin 2 over,  Little Ringed Plover 1,  Common Sandpiper 1,  Water Rail 1,   Herring Gull 7 flew NW.
A highlight today was a juvenile Swallow among the throng of Swallows over the lake.  Presumably a bird fledged in Morocco or southern Spain and then dispersing northwards alongside our returning Swallows. There has been at least one previous record of a juvenile Swallow appearing in the Wintersett area at this time of year.  The drake Lesser Scaup was performing off the south bank again early this morning.  Many thanks to Ron Marshall for  the following  marvellous shots.

Drake Lesser Scaup                                R Marshall

Drake Lesser Scaup                                        R Marshall

Drake Lesser Scaup         R Marshall

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