Thursday 2 May 2013

Wintersett - Less is more! 02.05.13

Cool start but soon warmed up and then (I can't believe I'm writing this)....... COATS OFF after lunch!
The headliner of the day has to be the drake LESSER  SCAUP   found by Steve Denny on Anglers CP on his very early morning rounds.  It's the bird that was at Pugneys on Tuesday which begs the question - Where was it yesterday?  Newmillerdam?  Walton? . However,  we are very glad it showed here - (only?) the 2nd record for this site. Hopefully some photos will follow later.
Other highlights were:  A Red Kite flew south west over Wintersett Res. at 10.50 hrs and a Whimbrel flew in to Anglers CP at 12.10hrs and then left west at 12.25hrs.
Also here:
Anglers CP: Common Tern 1, Goldeneye 5 and  Redpoll 1 over.
Wintersett Res: Yellow Wagtail 1 over,  Grasshopper Warbler 1 NE bank and Sedge Warbler 2 male.
Cold Hiendley Res: Cormorant 3.
Butterflies: The first Speckled Wood of the year at ACP,   Brimstone 1 male on WRes. and 1 female ACP and an Orange Tip at WRes..

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