Monday 8 July 2013


Just a couple of additional's on a very quiet day - Old Moor: Hobby, ad Med Gull. Enough to drive me 'bug-wire' - well, not quite!


  1. John there is an error debarring myself and I suspect others from blogging. If I type Carlton Marsh etc, thats fine, but then the site won't allow me to write the day's events. Could you mention this to Graham please. And yet it does allow me to put Photos on!

  2. I am having same problem Cliff/John. However last night at Old Moor - Little Egret 3, Wigeon 6, Shoveler 11 ads + broods of 9, 8 & 4, Avocet 11 juvs, Oystercatcher 6 ads + 3 juvs, Redshank 2, Green Sand 1, Med Gull 1 adult and Barn Owl 1. Just received a text from Dave Waddington - c35 Black Tailed Godwits on Mere.


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