Sunday 7 July 2013


Stocksbridge - c30 ducks passing high WNW at 21:00hrs last night, 6th July, were PROBABLY Common Scoters, but I didn't have my binoculars to hand (a sin, I know!).


  1. Good numbers at the coast currently Martin - I have seen flocks of several hundred at Spurn on last couple of weekends. Were they flying in a long line?

  2. Yes John but about ten at the back of the line appeared to form a rough V.

  3. What I mean is like a hangman laid on his side with no head and a long body.

  4. sounds very very likely, even time of day fits with previous events. Shame you couldn't nail them!

  5. A coouple of minutes later and I'll have had access to bins. Just my luck - I'll have to change my surname to Turton (Sorry Mick!)


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