Sunday 7 July 2013

Bolton Ings - 7th July

The main talking point today is the weather, 21c at 09.00 rising to 27c at 13.00, hot and sunny with a slight easterly breeze. Birdwise really quiet, the only highlight really is at least 14 Oystercatchers. The pair with 3 young and at least another 9 very noisy adults. Only 1 Swift seen today, no Martins but 6 Swallows flew south. The Black Headed Gulls appear to be thinning out but I did count 252 juveniles. Full list:- Mute Swan 4 adults + 6y + 2 over, Canada Goose 49 + 27y, Grey Lag Goose 22 + 18y, Cormorant 6, Great Crested Grebe 3, Little Grebe 13 adults + 8 juvs, Mallard 10 + broods of 7, 7, 4 & 3, Gadwall 60 + broods of 7 & 7, Shoveler 2, Tufted Duck 52 + broods of 6, 4, 3 & 1, Pochard 14 + broods of 8, 4 & 1, Coot 147 adults + 47 juvs + new broods of 3 & 2, Moorhen 12 adults + 6 juvs, Lapwing 4, Oystercatcher 14 (3 juvs), Black Headed Gull 317 (252 juvs), LBB Gull 2, Kestrel 1, Swift 1, Swallow 6, Jay 2, Sedge Warbler 3, Reed Warbler 1, Chiffchaff 4, Willow Warbler 3, Blackcap 5, Whitethroat 7,

Just had a look in my notes for this time last year and the birds today are more or less the same as last year. Slightly higher numbers and more broods which brings me back to the weather. On this date 2012 the river was about 3 metres higher than it is today, we had just had heavy rain for a few days and everywhere was flooded (check the blog). What a contrast this year, the water level on the Wader Scrape at Old Moor is very low and I am told Wombwell Ings is the same, will it dry out as it did a few years back.

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