Sunday 14 July 2013

Broomhead Moor 14/7/13

Well worth the trip today despite it being rather an 'arduous slog' in the hot weather to reach the shooting cabin ..

Results were:

1 male ring ouzel, 4 ravens, c5 lesser black-backed gulls, c5 common buzzards, c4 kestrels, 2 red kites at the same time, one bird heading SW over the moor and then the second bird which dropped down to feed on what was presumed to be carrion of some kind.. This bird stayed in the same patch of bracken for at least 2 hours .. 1 cream crown marsh harrier, 1 peregrine and c3 merlins  The merlins are now becoming quite active and there were 2 male birds seen along with what were presumed to be female/juvs ..

Yesterday's sightings from 'Midhope Bench' could only stretch to a common buzzard, a kestrel, a peregrine and a common sandpiper seen on the banks of the 'res' ...

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