Thursday 4 July 2013

Edderthorpe,Thursday,very early morning

Decided on an even earlier start this morning (05.00) to see if there were more LRPs at this time - the tactic failed (as usual), 'just' 11 were on the Flash including 6 juveniles (I didn't count the adult/juv ratio yesterday Nige but would guess it was about similar to today). Also here;- Ringed Plover 9, Lapwing 120, Black-tailed Godwit 2, Common Sandpiper 1, Redshank 12, a Curlew dropped in briefly, Mute Swan 17, Shelduck 2 + 8 young, Common Tern 1, Yellow Wagtail 1. The first obvious southward movements of Sand Martins with 40 before 06.00

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