Tuesday 2 July 2013

Tuesdays bits

Oytercatcher and chick today - John Hewitt

Old Moor: Bittern, drake Wigeon, 2 Common Sands', Med' Gull.

Bolton Ings: 7 Common Sandpiper, 2 Greenshank west.

Broomhill Flash: 4 Black-wits north this am.

Adwick: Spoonbill, Little Egret.

One of several surviving Avocet chicks at Old Moor - John Hewitt
These three Oystercatcher chicks on Wader Scrape seem to be doing well - John Hewitt

1 comment:

Barnsley Blade said...

Additional birds last night - Little Egret 1, Med Gull usual 2, Oystercatcher 5 adults + 3 juvs, Barn Owl 1.