Thursday 11 July 2013

Wintersett 11.07.13

Sunny and very warm 26°C, with the occasional very light northerly breeze.
Anglers CP: Little Ringed Plover 1 juvenile,  3 medium Black-headed Gull young,  Mallard 2 young,    Great Crested Grebe young 1  + 3 WRes.,  Common Tern 2,  Little Grebe 1 adult and Goldeneye 1♀.
A walk to Walton Hall this afternoon produced:  Greylag Goose 38 adults + 24 fledglings and the first 6 Tufted Ducklings of the year.   There was an early sign of Autumn when a  SISKIN  flew east and  2 CROSSBILL  went west.
Also flying this afternoon:  A Comma  and a Small Heath in the WHall area and 3 White Letter Hairstreak  butterflies were another first for the year, on elm on Haw Park Lane.
Thanks to Lynz Harston for the following photo.  Common Blue Damselflies were everywhere today.

Common Blue Damselflies            Anglers CP                      LHarston

1 comment:

  1. Removed browsing history, cookies etc Ange, but still no joy I am afraid. Oh well.


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