Saturday 13 July 2013

Wintersett 13.07.13

21°C at 09.00 hrs, blue sky turned hazy by midday, then 25°C  with a light northerly.
WintersettRes: Common Tern 2 and Oystercatcher 1 over.
Anglers CP:  Little Ringed Plover  1, Goldeneye 1♀, Pochard 1 male,  Black-headed Gull 3 young and  Yellow Wagtail 2.
Also flying in Haw Park Lane wood:   Purple Hairstreak 2 and White-letter Hairstreak 6
Another good ringing session saw 98 birds ringed including:  25 Whitethroat,  2 Lesser Whitethroat,  5 Blackcap,  2 Garden Warbler,  21 Willow Warbler,  9 Chiffchaff,  4 Sedge Warbler and 5 Reed Warbler.
Moth trapping overnight was disappointing considering the heat and humidity.  Best were: Diamondback Moth,  Marbled White Spot,  Dark Spectacle 2 and Southern Wainscot 2.

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