Monday 8 July 2013

Wintersett 2 Seconds 08.07.13

21°C at 09.00hrs and sunny,  clouded over and dropped to 16°C by 11.00hrs, then sunny and hot 24°C by 13.00hrs.
Overnight moth trapping was better due to more cloud cover and therefore warmer conditions. It produced 2 x 2nd records for the Wintersett List.  First was a Clouded Magpie trapped in Haw Park Wood  and then a Marbled White Spot at Anglers CP.
Also of note were: 2 Blackneck,  Tawny-barred Angle,  Lempke's Gold Spot,  Plain Wave,  Pine Hawk-moth 2,  Clay Triple-lines and Lilac Beauty.
Anglers CP:  Hobby 1 over,  Curlew 1 dropped in at 12.10hrs,  Common Tern 2,   Common Sandpiper 1, Yellow Wagtail 1 over,  Teal 5,  Cormorant 5,  Goldeneye 1♀.  3 Black-headed Gull chicks have survived and reappeared after not being sighted for 8 days. They must have been hiding in the vegetation on the back of the islands.  
Wintersett Res:  Nuthatch 1 calling near Boathouse,  Grasshopper Warbler  1♂ NE bank.,  Tufted Duck  102 + 42 ACP.
Clouded  Magpie                                                 A Smith

Marbled White Spot                                       ASmith
 I took the following photos in Haw Park Wood.  Can anyone confirm/refute the identification please?
Strangalia maculata                               ASmith

Flesh Fly    Sarcophaga sp.        ASmith


oxycera said...

Longhorn looks OK.
Sarcophaga are really genitalia jobs.

ASmith said...

Thanks - much appreciated. Seems Sacrophaga got lucky!