Tuesday 13 August 2013

A different bill!

Old Moor: A Spoonbill toured the area this evening before appearing to land on Bolton Ings. The Night Heron was in the top of the 'Cuckoo tree' very briefly around 9pm. A record 15 Little Egrets roosted on the Willow Pool  (BB). Also, Wigeon, Ringed Plover 14, LRP 3,  Dunlin 3, Ruff 2, Black-tailed Godwit 8, Green Sand 10, Wood Sand, Common Sand 2, Barn Owl 2, Sand Martin c200.

Broomhill Flash: Garganey.

And before I finish with a selection of Two-barred Crossbill shots from Broomhead here is an update from the site - still 5 birds at c4pm by feeders, then one or two juvs on and off until c5.45pm but no further sign by 8.15pm. Also c120 Common Crossbills + 3 Ravens over.

Juvenile -John Hewitt
Juvenile -Andy Deighton
Adult female -Andy Deighton
Juvenile - John Seeviour
Juvenile -Jim Thompson
Exactly how many individuals are featured here is difficult to determine, however, critical examination of the wing-bars and tertial-tip patterns seem to suggest that the photos taken by myself and Jim Thompson are most likely of the same bird. This is further backed up by the fact that we were stood side-by-side photographing it. Who needs Birding Frontiers!

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