Saturday 24 August 2013

Broomhead Res.

Had a few hours from the viewing bench today to wait for the next osprey ...

Results were .. Osprey 0, common buzzard 1, sparrowhawk 1, kestrel 3, spotted flycatcher 3 (1adult and 2 juvs) bird of the day was a cream crown marsh harrier which was wing tagged with 2 green tags. Seen over Whitwell Moor.


  1. Simmo - The wing-tags should have had unique black letters & numbers. If you have them type in wing-tagged Marsh Harriers on your search engine (I used Google)and this will lead you to the Hawk & Owl Trust site. The Marsh Harrier was probably ringed as a nestling in Norfolk.

  2. Hi Martin and thanks for the info.

    No chance of any numbers as the bird was much too far away. 2 green wing tags was the best I could do. Would I be right in guessing that this limited info wouldn't be enough to be of any use ?


  3. Probably just pin it down to Norfolk, but give it a go and see what comes back.


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