Thursday 8 August 2013

Edderthorpe, Thursday morning...

The flash was shrouded in fog early doors which quickly cleared to reveal..... not much really. No Little Egrets to begin with but 4 dropped in around sevenish, Shelduck 1, Shoveler 21, Black-tailed Godwit 1, Green Sand 2, Common Sand 1 and a single Dunlin with very few Lapwings.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like all the Little Egrets are roosting at Old Moor, 12 last night. 11 came in from up the valley (Edderthorpe direction) and only 1 from down the valley. On Tuesday night the 5 that left Edderthorpe late on came into roost at Old Moor at approx. 20.45. Also good numbers of Grey Herons roosting, 15 last night plus the Night Heron of course.


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