Tuesday 20 August 2013

Evening updates.....

Two-barred Crossbills; It was finally proven this morning (as suspected since Saturday) that there are 3 females amongst the flock. Andy Deighton watched all 3 together - 2 bright yellow birds (as in the photo in a earlier posting) and a dull patchy (probably juvenile) bird. This means there were at least 8 birds seen today. Is anyone aware who claims to have seen 6 juvenile birds (this number was being claimed last week ). At present we can document a male, 3 females and 4 or possibly 5 juveniles. Edderthorpe This evening on the flash;- Greylag Goose 116, Shelduck 7, Teal 87, Shoveler 41, Gadwall 72, Pochard 6, Little Egret 4 - left for the Old Moor roost at 20.15, Greenshank 1, Green Sandpiper 4, Black-tailed Godwit 2. A Hobby was hunting a flock of about 800 hirundines at 20.30 (half hour before dark).-

1 comment:

  1. 16 little egrets roosted tonight at old moor. They came in as follows - 2 @ 7.40, 1 @ 7.57, 1 @ 8.00, 4 @ 8.25, 4 @ 8.26, 1 @ 8.27, 2 @ 8.28, 1 @ 8.30.


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