Monday 12 August 2013

Monday 12th August

Late aft/early eve visit to Old Moor with plenty to look at: Hobby adult over Mere, Oystercatcher 1, LRP 4, Ringed Plover 7, Dunlin 2, Green Sand 8+, Common Sand 2, Common Tern 2, Kingfisher 1. Additionally this morning was a Wood Sandpiper. No reports of the Night Heron yet but of 'course prime-time viewing' is later.

The LBB Gulls appear to have young (1?) but with very few Black-headed Gulls left (of any size!) one suspects it/they will do well to survive. This is their second attempt this breeding season after the first failed.

Wombwell Ings (Jeff Wragg): Lapwing 119, Dunlin 1, Ruff 3

Kingfisher - Keith Pickering. At least three have been seen recently.

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