Wednesday 21 August 2013

The Edge 21st August

Wombwell Ings mid AM- Present were 11 Little Egrets, 4 Grey Heron, 1 Mute Swan, 3 Greylag, 24 Mallard, 7 Wigeon, 2 Gadwall, 2 Teal, 107+ Lapwing, 7 Dunlin, 2 Greenshank,  35 BH Gull, 20+ Pied Wagtail, 5 Yellow Wagtail( 4 juv), 1 Grey Wagtail, 11 Grey Partridge and 20+ Linnet.

Broomhill Flash mid/late AM- Highlight was 1 Spotted Redshank which flew in at 10.10am and was still present at 11.00. Also present were 2 Grey Heron, 1 Little Egret, 6 Cormorant,  27 Little Grebe, 1juv Great Crested Grebe, 2 Mute Swan, 54 Tufted Duck, 31 Gadwall,  20+ Mallard, 5 flyover Wigeon, 3 Teal, 2 Pochard, 3 Snipe, 1 Greenshank(flew in at 10.50), 2 Kestrel, 50+ House Martins, 20+ Sand Martins and 1 singing Chiffchaff.

Bolton Ings early PM- Spoonbill present from noon to 1.15pm. Also present were 1 Grey Heron, 10 Cormorant, 25 Little Grebe, 2 Great Crested Grebe+2 juv, 2 Mute Swan+ 2 juv, 141 Canada Geese, 17 Greylag, 95 Gadwall, 57 Tufted, 30+ Mallard, 37 Teal, 8+ Shoveler, 2 Pochard, 144 Lapwing, 1 Snipe, 1 Green Woodpecker,1 Jay and 1 Kestrel.

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