Wednesday 7 August 2013

Wintersett 07.08.13

A warm, sunny and humid 19°C this morning, clouded over this afternoon.
Anglers CP:  A juvenile Marsh Harrier flew west at 07.10hrs.   2 Yellow- legged gulls the usual 3rd Summer and a1st Summer bird. Common Tern 6,  Yellow Wagtail1,  Greylag Goose 44,  Pochard 1,  Teal 1 and  Goldeneye 1♀.
Disposal Point:  Mallard 3 fledged young,  Little Grebe broods  2 juvs,  2 large, 1 medium and 2 small young.     
Also flying DP: Common and Blue-tailed Damselflies were on the big pool in abundance and  Emerald, Emperor,   Ruddy Darter, Black-tailed Skimmer and 4 Spot Chaser Dragonflies. Purple Hairstreak 1.
A very worn Purple Hairstreak                           ASmith

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