Friday 9 August 2013

Wintersett 09.08.13

18 degrees, warm and cloudy with a westerly breeze.
Anglers CP:  2 Greenshank were on the shallows at 06.50hrs,  Common Tern 5,  3rd Summer Yellow-legged Gull,  Goldeneye 1 female and  Lapwing 100.
Wintersett Res: Green Sandpiper 1 south at 12.12hrs and  a Yellow Wagtail over.
Walton Hall: Great Crested Grebe 4 young,  Tufted  Duck 2 small and 1 fledged young.
Moths trapped included: 2 Yellow-barred Brindle,  Old Lady,  Brown-veined Wainscott,  Angle-striped Sallow,  Dusky Thorn and 7 Dingy Footman.
Also flying:  Holly Blue (Stubbs Wood).
Yellow-barred Brindle                            AS

Brown-veined Wainscott                     AS

Old  Lady                                             AS

Holly  Blue                                                AS

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