Wednesday 14 August 2013

Wintersett 14.08.13

17 degrees, warm and sunny with a strengthening southerly breeze this morning, cloudy by late afternoon.
Anglers CP:   A Shelduck left north at 08.12hrs followed by  Little Egret  at 08.33hrs.  3rd Summer Yellow-legged Gull 1,   Common Tern 7,  Teal 5,   Snipe 1 + 1 WRes..
Wintersett Res: There were 400 Black-headed Gulls roosting here at dawn.  Yellow  Wagtail 2 over.
A total of 134 birds were ringed this morning, including:  47 Sand Martin,   21 Swallow,  9 Whitethroat,  2 Lesser Whitethroat,  12 Reed Warbler,  13 Willow Warbler and  12 Chiffchaff, 

Little Egret                                   Lynz Harston

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