Tuesday 20 August 2013

Wintersett 20.08.13

19 degrees, cloudy, south westerly breeze.
Anglers CP:  Little Grebe 2,  Common Tern 9,  3rd Summer Yellow-legged Gull and Goldeneye 1 female.
Vis. Mig. Ringed Plover 1 SW at 08.30hrs,    Yellow Wagtail 3 SW,   Crossbill 1 W at 09.00hrs,   Snipe 19 W.
Also spent 4 hours at Broomhead (from 11 -3) - only Common Crossbills seen and heard,  and  1 Spotted Flycatcher.


  1. This morning at Cold Hiendley Res male Pochard & Buzzard over. Anglers 2 Pochard 1 Teal etc. 26 Speckled Wood (Haw Park)

  2. Thanks for the records Cliff.


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