Wednesday 21 August 2013

Wintersett 21.08.13

19°C cloudy with a light shower mid morning and a westerly wind.
Anglers CP: Spotted flycatcher 1,  Ringed Plover 1 over at 10.50hrs, Yellow Wagtail 1 N,  Wigeon 3,  Shoveler 4,  Gadwall 6,  Lapwing 120,  Cormorant 10,  Buzzard 4 and 3rd Summer yellow-legged Gull.
Wintersett Res:  Arctic Tern 1 juv.,  Teal 12 + 7 ACP + 2 CHRes.  Pochard  4 + 3 ACP + 4 CHRes.,  Little Grebe 6 + 1 ACP and Common Tern 9.
Also flying:  Painted Lady  1 on the west bank WRes..
Here are two recent pictures of the 3rd Summer Yellow-legged Gull.  Spot the difference!

3rd Summer Yellow-legged Gull                        SDenny
3rd Summer Yellow-legged Gull  21.08.13                  ASmith

Beware when identifying gulls by leg colour.  It is not always a reliable feature,  especially when there has been lots of slurry spreading in the area!

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