Friday 23 August 2013

Wintersett 23.08.13

20°C  warm and increasingly humid, sunny with scattered cloud and a promising east wind.
Anglers CP:  Highlight today was a Black-necked Grebe on the south side of the lake.  A Ruff flew into the shallows at 13.58hrs.Common Sandpiper 1,  Dunlin 1,  3rd Summer Yellow-legged Gull,   Shoveler 8,  Wigeon 3,  Common Gull 1,  Goldeneye 1♀,  Pochard 7,  Teal 1,  Great crested Grebe 13 and Little Grebe 4.  Many  thanks to the marvellous Mr M for the following photos.
Black-necked Grebe           Ron Marshall

Black-necked Grebe                                       Ron  Marshall          

Vis Mig: Ringed Plover 1 SW 08.35,  Hobby 1 S 09.00hrs   Green Sandpiper 1 over 09.05hrs, Redshank 3 SE at 14.45hrs and Yellow Wagtail 4 S.
Wintersett Res: Common Tern 2
Also flying WRes: Painted Lady,  Clouded Yellow,  Green-veined White,  Meadow Brown, and Gatekeeper.
Moth trapping last night was fairly quiet with highlights being 2 ♂ Vapourer, 2 Dusky Thorn,  1 Olive and 1 Angle-striped Sallow.  The first Hornet Vespa crabro, was in the trap at Haw Park.

Hornet   Vespa Crabro                      ASmith

1 comment:

  1. Hornet, yes, thought it might be only a matter of time; very interesting, nice one.


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