Sunday 22 September 2013

Harden Vis Mig

Harden Quarries
Time: 06:30 to
Observers: Mick Cunningham, Nick Mallinson, RJB, JL and DHP.
Cormorant - 2 SW + 1 NE, Sparrowhawk - 1 SW, Common Buzzard - 10 SW, Kestrel - 1 SW, Lapwing - 20 NE, Common Snipe - 11 SW, Lesser Black-backed Gull - 17 S/SW, Great Spotted Woodpecker - 1 SW + 1 NE, Barn Swallow - 1578 S/SW, House Martin - 128 S/SW, Meadow Pipit - 306 S/SW, alba Wagtail - 22 S/SW + 4 NE, Mistle  Thrush - 8 S/SW, Raven 1 S + 2 NE, Starling 22 S/SW, Chaffinch - 57 ESE, finch sp - 7 ESE, Greenfinch - 2 ESE, Goldfinch - 68 ESE, Siskin - 82 ESE and Reed Bunting - 6 SW.
Also a Crane sp heard distant/high at c11:10hrs but not located..
Also present 3 Common Buzzards, 3 Kestrels and 3 Ravens.
per Mick Cunningham.

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