Tuesday 10 September 2013

Melanistic Wood Pigeons?

Over the course of the last ten days I have seen two Wood Pigeons in very similar. plumages. The one below has been in my garden at Stocksbridge for the last ten days or so.. I thought that it had perhaps been in contact with oil are some some similar substance in the nearby steelworks. However the underparts are very similar to the usual plumage only a few shades darker and the colour is uniform throughout. The eye-ringed is far more pronounced than on normal plumaged birds.

I was about to dismiss this bird, when yesterday while walking around Ingbirchworth Reservoir with my wife, we saw a very similar plumaged bird on the wall at the northern edge on the reservoir.
I have seen a similar but darker bird at Upper Midhope about twenty years ago. So two birds in two days is remarkable,
(Excuse the poor photograph as it was taken in failing light this evening).

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