Friday 13 September 2013

The Edge 13th Sept

Wombwell Ings mid AM- First impression was of few birds about, particularly along the Bulling Dyke. Reason was  two gunners on the back field for 90 minutes after dawn. Numbers of waterfowl down with 30 Mallard, 16 Teal, 2 Gadwall and 1 Shoveler.  Greylag and Canada gradually increased to 134 and 273 respectively. At first the only waders were 78 Lapwing and 2 Greenshank but later 3 Ringed Plover, 4 Black Tailed Godwit and 3 Snipe dropped in, followed by 2 Little Egret. Also present were 4 Grey Heron, 8 BH Gull, 1 juv LBB Gull, 2 Kestrel, 1 Sparrowhawk and a flock of 40+ Goldfinch.

Broomhill Flash late AM- Highlight was the female Common Scoter dropping in  at 10.25 but it stopped for less than an hour. Again numbers down with 48 Mallard( c400 Thurs), 10 Gadwall ,7 Teal,  12 Little Grebe being particularly low. A Spotted Redshank relocated when the shooting started. Also present were 4 Little Egret, 4 Grey Heron, 4 Mute Swan, 31 Tufted, 4 Shoveler, 1 Greenshank, 5+ Snipe, 2 Cormorant, 11 Red Legged Partridge, 1 Kestrel, 1 Kingfisher, 3 Linnet and 2 Reed Bunting. A cream crown Marsh Harrier was quartering the reeds from 1.30pm  onwards .

Bolton Ings early PM- Present were 10 Cormorant, 4 Grey Heron, 27 Little Grebe, 3a+4y Great Crested, 2a+2y Mute Swan, 58 Gadwall, 29 Tufted Duck, 10+ Mallard, 6 Pochard, 1 Shoveler, 41 Lapwing 2 Grey Wagtail and 1 singing Chiffchaff.

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