Thursday 12 September 2013

Wintersett 12.09.13

15 degrees, warm start, SW breeze,  cooler when the cloud increased.
Anglers CP: A juvenile Black Tern dropped in at 08.25 hrs. .   Pintail 1 eclipse male present + 3  flew W at 09.10, then returned and dropped in at 09.30hrs, and then left west at 09.55hrs. 6 Teal flew in from the east.  Grey Partridge 3 adults + 8 juvs. in Pol field.  Canada Goose 383 and  Hobby  1 over at 11.40hrs.
ACP Vis. Mig.: Flying south -  Meadpw Pipit 108 and Swallow 4,  Pied Wagtail  5 and Yellow Wagtail 1. Chaffinch 7 W and  Snipe 10 high NW
Wintersett Res:  3rd Summer Yellow-legged Gull.   The juv. Black Tern was  on WRes. at 15.30hrs.
Overnight moth trapping produced several Autumn specialities, including: Black Rustic,  Red-line Quaker,  Red Green Carpet,  Brick,  Autumnal Rustic and Lunar Underwing.  The Haw Park trap attracted 2 Hornets.


  1. Two tree creepers near entrance to watch tower this morning....... :-)


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