Saturday 14 September 2013

Wintersett 14.09.13

12 degrees,  cool and cloudy start with a westerly breeze, became brighter towards midday.
Anglers CP:  A Wheatear was on the east bank.  The usual 3rd Summer Yellow-legged Gull flew in.
Vis. Mig:  The watch continues into the afternoon - full report later.
Cold Hiendley Res: The juvenile Black Tern is still present.
Wintersett Res: A Dunlin flew over at 07.45hrs.
A total of 70 birds were ringed this morning, including: 15 Blackcap,  1 Whitethroat,  3 Sedge Warbler,  2 Reed Warbler,  7 Chiffchaff,  1 Willow Warbler and 11 Meadow Pipit.


  1. Have any Nuthatches been seen in Haw Park Wood? Thought I saw one today but I can't be sure :-/

  2. There are several pairs of Nuthatches in Haw Park.

  3. Thanks for That Steven..... I will tick it off :-)


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