Sunday 22 September 2013

Wintersett, Sunday

Highlights from todays wildfowl counts on the lakes are;- Great Crested Grebe 43, Little Grebe 5, Mute Swan 22, Canada Goose 424, Greylag Goose 100, Cormorant 12, Teal 15, Mallard 141, Pintail 4 (all on the CP), Shoveler 9, Wigeon 134, Gadwall 21, Tufted 290 (over 900 were present in September last year), Pochard 62, Lapwing 280, Black-tailed Godwit 1. Two Yellow-legged Gulls (adult and juvenile) were on the CP much of the day Anglers Vis Mig 07.30 to 16.10 Red Kite 1 east at 12.35, Common Buzzard 1 north east and 15 local birds were up in the skies, Hobby 3 were feeding together over Haw Park in the afternoon, Black-tailed Godwit 3 south, Snipe 21 west + 2 in, Skylark 24 south, Swallow 2720 south mostly during the morning (this is a new migration high count for this site, beating yesterdays new record and over 5000 Swallows have been counted flying south over the weekend), House Martin 192 south, Sand Martin 2 south, Pied Wagtail 22 south, Meadow Pipit 315 south, Siskin 11 south, Chaffinch 25 west,

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