Monday 2 December 2013

28 wing-bars

A very successful morning at Broomhead. Spent a hour in the clearing looking through a flock of 30 Crossbills. Usual stuff around the feeders plus c30 Siskins, 2 Lesser Redpolls, c10 Goldfinches. Along the road had c60 Redwing and 40 Fieldfares. After lots of looking over the last few weeks finally found the Two-barred Crossbills. Seven birds, four males and three females, were  feeding in larches at the  side of the road c100m past the turning to Low Bradfield. They weren't feeding with the main crossbill flock. It may be that time would be better spent searching the larches than looking through the crossbill flock.
ps c150 Pink-feet west over Broomhill at 14:15

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