Saturday 1 March 2014

Old Moor - 1st March

Very cold this morning at Old Moor, -3c at 07.30, mist cleared at 07.45. Highlight today being the adult Mediterranean Gull on island 1 on the Mere, it still has the primary missing. The female Pintail also still on the mere, a Dunlin on the Field Pool, a Redshank on the Wader Scrape and 6 Oystercatchers. 9 Goldeneye (3 drakes) and the Black Headed Gulls building up and becoming very vocal. The pair of Lesser Black Backed Gulls are back but their nesting island is currently under water. Full List :- Mute Swan 13, Canada Goose 54, Grey Lag Goose 2, Cormorant 18, Great Crested Grebe 4, Little Grebe 6, Mallard 19, Teal 33, Wigeon 178, Gadwall 68, Shoveler 31, Pintail 1, Tufted Duck 94, Pochard 26, Goldeneye 9, Goosander 2, Coot 168, Moorhen 27, Lapwing 86, Oystercatcher 6, Redshank 1, Dunlin 1, Snipe 1, Black Headed Gull 1088, Mediterranean Gull 1, LBB Gull 2, Common Gull 6.

Other birds seen today included Peregrine, Buzzard, Ringed Plover and an impressive flock of 57 Whooper Swans flying over at 16.12.

A Dunlin was also seen on Wombwell Ings as well as 45 Golden Plover.

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