Wednesday 5 March 2014

Wintersett 05.03.14

 Frosty start but warmed up to 4°C by 09.00hrs and 9°C by midday. Sunny with scattered cloud and a light south westerly.
Wintersett Res: The first Chiffchaff of the Spring was singing on the east bank.  The Cetti's was calling in the west bank marsh.   Shoveler 4 male and 1 female,  Gadwall 10 + 9 CHRes.,  Goosander  4 + 11 CHRes + 2 ACP,  Water Rail 2 + 1 ACP,  Willow Tit 1.
Cold Hiendley Res:  Wood Pigeon 300
Anglers CP Roost: The adult Kumlien's Gull, (same bird as Sunday), came in at 16.55hrs and is possibly the bird from a month ago,  now moulted out of its brown flecking on head and breast. It flew to WRes at 18.00hrs with other big gulls.   The Glaucous x Herring Hybrid flew in at 16.50hrs.  Adult Yellow-legged Gull.   Herring Gull 67,  Great Black-backed Gull 10,   Lesser Black-backed Gull 2.
Many thanks to Lynz Harston for two great flight shots from yesterday at Anglers.

Redshank                                    LH

Great Black-backed Gull                     LH

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