Sunday 9 March 2014

Wintersett 09.03.14

7°C  at 08.30hrs  rising to 16°C this afternoon.  Blue skies and sunshine brought out the crowds today.
Anglers CP: A Pipit sp. (Water/Rock)  flew off south at 07.15hrs.  Redshank 1,  Green Woodpecker 1.   3 Whooper Swans were on the lake all day and left NW at 17.00hrs.  Chiffchaff 1,  Fieldfare 23, Redwing 2,  Goosander 12,  Pochard 19 and  Teal 8.  A pair of Pintail dropped in briefly at 17.30hrs.
Anglers Hill Watchpoint:18 Buzzards were circling on thermals around the area and  5 Meadow Pipits flew NW.
Anglers CP Gull Roost was poor again this evening with low numbers of birds.
Wintersett Res: Shoveler 3 male and 1 female,  Willow Tit 1,   Cetti's Warbler 1 singing and Water Rail 1.  Goldeneye 44 + 7 CHRes., + 32 ACP.
Haw Park Wood: Crossbill 1
Butterflies and Moths:  Peacock 2 ACP + 4 WRes.,  Small Tortoiseshell 1 ACP + 3 WRes.,  Red Admiral 1 ACP,  Orange Underwing 2 ACP.
Amphibians:  There was a  very vocal frog fest in the ditch on the Pol.

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