Friday 11 April 2014

11 Apr 2014 Wharncliffe Chase and Woods

I arrived at 9.15 wondering if any Tree Pipits had arrived...they hadn't but here's what there was:

Chiffchaff - 2 singing
Blackcap - 1 singing
Willow Warbler - 5 singing
Common Buzzard - 1 mewing
Sparrowhawk - pair in air together but not displaying, very large female
Peregrine - 1 seen flying across valley over Deepcar
Kestrel - 2, male carrying prey
Curlew - pair
Meadow Pipit - 50+, well spread territories! much display and chasing
Linnet - 5 singing males around nest sites
Reed Bunting - male
Yellowhammer - 6 in a single party near farm track
Skylark - 2
Green Woodpecker - 1 calling
Red Legged Partridge - pair
Siskin - 5
Lesser Redpoll - 1

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