Sunday 13 April 2014

13 April 2014 Wharncliffe Chase and woodland edge

A 3 hour circuit around the Chase this morning gave the following highlights:

Linnet -16 (3 breeding colonies)
Raven - pair low north together
Tree Pipit - 2 singing/ disputing territory near Wharncliffe Farm
Swallow - 3 north separately
House Martin - 1 north with a Swallow
Crossbill - 18 in a single group
Skylark - 10
Wheatear - 17 (14 males and 3 females in 3 separate groups)
Curlew - 2
Chiffchaff - 2
Willow Warbler - 6
Yellowhammer - 2
Stock Dove - pair
Reed Bunting - 3 males

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