Sunday 27 April 2014

Bolton Ings et al - Sunday 27th April 2014

9c at 07.30 this morning when I started out but it felt much colder and I needed my gloves on all day. Dull and misty with a strong cold easterly but at least it was dry. The day seemed quiet with no real highlights but the 2 Black Necked Grebes were still present and I heard my first Grasshopper Warbler and Lesser Whitethroats. Also the first broods of Grey Lags and Mallard were seen. Full list :- Grey Heron 1, Mute Swan 7, Canada Goose 20, Grey Lag Goose 30 + 7y, Great Crested Grebe 4, Little Grebe 12, Black Necked Grebe 2, Mallard 15 + 8y, Gadwall 8, Shoveler 3, Tufted Duck 60, Pochard 23, Coot 90, Moorhen 4, Lapwing 6, Oystercatcher 2, Redshank 1, Black Headed Gull 448, Common Gull 1, Kestrel 1, Green Woodpecker 1, Jay 1, Kingfisher 2, Grey Wagtail 1, Yellow Wagtail 1, Swallow 20, Sand Martin 5, Willow Warbler 19, Chiffchaff 14, Blackcap 12, Sedge Warbler 5, Lesser Whitethroat 2, Grasshopper Warbler 1.

Looking onto Wombwell Ings from the Old Road I could see the Greenshank and the LRP.

Onto Broomhill Village Pond where the Grasshopper Warbler was still reeling but I couldn't see it.

Old Moor this evening - Bittern 1 booming, Mediterranean Gull 4 (2 adults and 2 1st summers - 2E26 not seen), Common Tern 3, Avocet 5, Dunlin 2, Wigeon 2.

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