Sunday 6 April 2014

Broomhill Flash Saturday & Sunday

Here are Saturday and Sundays sightings for Broomhill Flash.

Saturday 5th April.

Wigeon 4,
Mute Swan 2,
Shoveler 2,
Egyptian Goose 2,
Pochard 1♂,
Pink-footed Goose 1,
Tufted Duck c20,
Little Grebe 5+,
Sand Martin 1,
Goldcrest / Firecrest in conifer's in top lane (heard only),
Little Owl 1,
Sparrowhawk 1,
Buzzard 1.

Sunday 6th April Counted at close.

Great crested grebe 1,
Little Grebe 2,
Tufted Duck 12,
Gadwall 18,
Mallard 2,
Mute Swan 2,
Canada Geese c60,
Greylag Geese c12,
Pink-footed Goose 1.

1 comment:

  1. The crest is interesting. I think Goldcrest may have nested there last year, however, there has been an arrival of Firecrest's in UK recent including Yorks. Call is slightly different to the trained ear but not that easy. Keep looking!


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