Friday 4 April 2014

Broomhill Flash & Wombwell Ings A.M. - Early P.M.

Broomhill Flash this morning there were

Redshank 2,
Curlew 1 (fly through),
Woodcock flew over eastern end of reserve and headed towards Broomhill Village / Oldmoor.

Pochard ♂ & ♀,
Tufted Duck 20 + another 16 in the afternoon,
Gadwall 4,
Little Grebe 3,
Cormorant 1,
Mute Swan 2,
Mallard 4+,
Teal 2,
Wigeon 18,
Black-headed Gull c320,
Greylag Goose 6,
Shoveler ♂ & ♀.

Sand Martin 5.

Red-legged Partridge 3.

Kestrel 2.

Wombwell Ings

Redshank 5+,
Little ringed Plover 4,
Grey Heron 3.

Shoveler c20,
Wigeon c100,
Teal 12,
Gadwall 20+,
Tufted Duck 45,
Pochard 10,
Pink-footed Goose 1,
Shelduck 4,
Mallard c20,
Cormorant 2,
Black-headed Gull c230,
Mute Swan 2 (1 adult & 1 juvenile).

Skylark 4+,
Sand Martin 3,
Linnet 1,
White Wagtail 1.

Sparrowhawk 4.

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