Sunday 13 April 2014

Gentle Reminder

 I came across this  new site on Twitter - Birders against Wildlife Crime.   They have this reminder which I think is very appropriate at this time of year.

We birders often have ‘insider’ knowledge of nesting birds and therefore we have a particular responsibility to be careful with that information.
Egg thieves are known to mingle with birders looking to pick up information, and follow birding forums and birding websites.
Please do not make it easy for egg thieves by openly discussing or posting information about the location of breeding birds – even if the breeding season is over (the thieves will monitor the site for the birds to return the following year).
The identity of anyone suspected of being an egg thief should be made known to the police.

Also, please think twice before posting Grid References for locally sensitive bird species, so that they are not overwhelmed with listers and photographers.

1 comment:

  1. For those who need further information/guidelines go to
    and scroll down the right hand side to 'popular posts'. There is an article called Social Media and the risk of disturbance to Rare Breeding Birds which has lots more information.


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