Saturday 19 April 2014

More Mediterranean Magic

Following Thursdays 6 Mediterranean Gulls at Old Moor there are now 7 birds present. We suspected 7 yesterday and today it was confirmed when the 2 full winged and ringed adults were seen together on Island 1. Just to recap the 7 birds are as follows:- 2E26 and his one legged mate on island 2, the 3 ringed adults and the unringed first summer on island 1, these have been seen displaying to each other but sexes not determined yet. The 7th bird is the first summer with the red darvic ring which frequents the central banking.

Also seen at Old Moor today were Curlew 1, Little Ringed Plover 3, Common Sandpiper 1, Snipe 1, Wigeon pair, Peregrine and a booming Bittern.

Wombwell ings - Greenshank 2, Ruff 1, Little Ringed Plover 1, White Wagtail 1.

Broomhill Flash - Arctic Tern 1 at 17.30 flew towards Wombwell Ings then towards Old Moor.

WeBS count day tomorrow so I will get the abacus out.

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