Tuesday 1 April 2014

Wintersett 01.04.14.

Phew!  17°C at midday - It was sunny,  hot and humid today.
Three firsts of the year was nice:  A Little Ringed Plover flew north at 09.25hrs.,  A male Willow Warbler was on ACP and a Male Blackcap was on the south bank CHRes..
Anglers CP: Yellow- legged Gull 1 Adult. (It had another Canada Goose egg yesterday).  Lesser Black-backed Gull 1 adult.   Wigeon 115,  Siskin 1,  Cormorant 10,  Snipe 3,  Redwing 1 and Fieldfare 1,
Botany Area: Golden Plover 500 in  George's fields

Wintersett Res: Kingfisher 1,  Cetti's Warbler singing very loudly,  Nuthatch 1 (Pits Wood),   Curlew 1 W at 11.20hrs and Water Rail 1.
Haw Park Wood:  Crossbill 3.   Carlton Dream Team heard a Raven from 12.07 - 12.09 in the plantation area.
Insects:  Bee-fly HPLane.    Brimstone 3 HPW + 1HPLane.  

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