Friday 4 April 2014

Wintersett 04.04.14

7°C,  misty start but cleared throughout the morning.  11°C mid afternoon, 5/5 cloud, with a light south westerly.  As the weather brightened the birds started moving. 
A flock of 53 Whooper Swans flew north over Wintersett Res. at 15.04 hrs.  Sand Martin 19 N,  Meadow Pipit 12 N and Golden Plover 50 over HPWood.
Anglers CP: Yellow-legged Gull 1 adult, Lesser Black-backed Gull 1 adult,  Snipe 4,  Teal 11,  Water Rail 1 (Pol) and Redshank 1.
Wintersett Res: Kingfisher 2,  Willow Tit 1 (Botany),   Willow Warbler 1,  Blackcap  2 + 1 CHRes + 1 HPWood and  Gadwall 16 + 5 ACP + 4 CHRes..
Haw Park Wood:  Siskin 1.
Amphibians: Lots of toads were spawning in CHRes..

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