Monday 7 April 2014

Wintersett 07.04.14

 7°C,  8/8 cloud but drier than forecast.  Rain held off until 15.00hrs, when we had a couple of heavy showers.
A DARVIC ringed (K627) 1stW Black-headed Gull  was seen this morning on the shallows at Anglers CP.  It was first seen on 3rd November 2013. It was  ringed as a chick on the 20th June 2013 at Aizpute (Liepaja) in Lativa.   It look like this bird has wintered with us.
1st W BHGull  K267
Anglers CP: A Curlew flew east at 10.45hrs.  Redshank 1.  Shelduck 2. The YL Gull and the LBB Gull adults were in briefly. Shoveler 5 male + 1 female,  Wigeon 9,  Snipe 6.  A flock of 400 Golden Plover were seen over George's field.
 Wintersett Res: Swallow 3 + 1 ACP,  Kingfisher 1 and Cetti's Warbler 1 male.

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