Saturday 12 April 2014

Wintersett 12.04.14

Sorry no blog yesterday due to a successful jaunt to Flamborough for Crag Martin,  Tawny Pipit and Lapland Bunting.
7°C,  cool and cloudy with a light westerly today.
Wintersett Res:  The first singing Grasshopper Warbler  and Lesser Whitethroat of the spring were heard.  Hirundine numbers were up with  40 Swallows,  95 Sand Martin and 3 House Martin over the water.  The male Cetti's Warbler was ringed this morning.    Also present were a Redpoll and  a pair of Shoveler.  A Siskin went north and 100 Golden Plover flew west
Anglers CP: Just 1  remaining male Wigeon. Redshank 1,  Snipe 2 and Little Ringed Plover 1.  6 Dunlin flew west at 14.20hrs.

Male Cetti's Warbler                     Becky Hill

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