Sunday 27 April 2014

Wintersett 27.04.14

7°C with a light but cold easterly, 8/8 cloud at 08.00hrs.  Bright and sunny by noon.
Anglers CP: Whimbrel 2 over at 11.30hrs. An Arctic Tern came in briefly at 13.45hrs.  Common Tern 1 over, Grey Wagtail 1,  Little Ringed Plover 1 over,  Snipe 2 and  Teal 1 male and 1 female.  Common Gull 1,  Herring Gull 1.
Wintersett Res: Singing males: Grasshopper Warbler 1 and Sedge Warbler 1.  Pochard 1 male and 1 female.
Insects:  Holly Blue 1 ACP and Bee-fly 1 WRes at 16.00hrs.
Thanks to Lynz Harston for a great sequence of Great Crested Grebes at Anglers CP this morning.

Which is better?     Two's company,
or three's a crowd.
There's only one way to find out!   FIGHT!!!!!

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