Thursday 10 April 2014

Wintersett Wednesday 09.04.14

 Anglers CP Vis Mig: Meadow Pipit 168 NW and  Green Sandpiper 1 N at 08.10hrs.,
Anglers CP: Redpoll 1, Redshank 1, Snipe 1,  Sand Martin 20 + 15 WRes., Swallow 2,  Yellow-leged Gull adult,  Lesser Black-backed Gull adult,  Teal 2 and Wigeon 7 ( 6male + 1 female) 
Moorhouse Lane Ponds:  Grey Partridge 2,  Little Owl 1,  Little Grebe 4 and  Green Woodpecker1.
Wintersett Res: Brambling 2 females,  Cetti's Warbler 1 male and Willow Tit 2.
Haw Park Wood: Buzzard 5 + 2 Botany + 1 ACP.
Butterfly: Orange Tip 1.

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